About the municipality

About the municipality

Ilam city with an area of 222,804.67 hectares contains 10.62 percent of the province's territory between 33 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds 33 degrees 51 minutes 48 seconds north latitude 45 degrees 41 minutes 07 seconds 46 degrees 51 minutes And 19 seconds east longitude is located in the northwest of the province and is neighboring with the cities of Avon, Sirvan, Chardavol, Dareh city, Mehran and Iraq. The city of Ilam has a population of 220 thousand. The language of the people of Ilam is Kurdish and almost the population of the city of Ilam is Shiite religion.


City map


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The address of the municipality
Municipality Address: Ilam - Shohada Square - Islamic Revolution Blvd - Shahid Rabbah Kamali Crossing - opposite Mellat Park

Phone: 08433334570-90

The mayor's office: 08433332353

Email: info@ilam.ir

Public Relations Department: 08433337504 - 08433337501

Postal code: 6931653617
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